How to Care for Your Pet During the Summer?


And it’s finally summertime!

The season of warmth and sunshine, a time when many of us are eager to spend more time outdoors. Whether it’s enjoying a picnic in the park, hiking through nature trails, or simply lounging in the backyard, the longer days and vibrant weather invite us to soak up the sun.

However, as the temperatures rise, it’s essential to remember that our pets need special attention and care to stay healthy and comfortable. Unlike humans, pets cannot simply shed layers or move to cooler environments on their own. They rely on us to create safe, cool spaces and to provide adequate hydration.

The combination of high temperatures and direct sunlight can pose serious risks, such as heatstroke and dehydration, making it crucial for pet owners to take proactive steps to ensure their furry friends are protected.

Here’s a handy guide on how to care for your pet during the summer, covering everything from hydration and shade to recognizing the signs of overheating and the importance of regular grooming. By being mindful of their needs, we can ensure that our pets enjoy the summer as much as we do, safely and happily.

1. Keep Them Hydrated

Just like humans, pets need plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially during the hot summer months.

Bond Vet’s Westport animal hospital vets recommend that to ensure your pet stays properly hydrated, always provide access to fresh, cool water. Place multiple water bowls around your home and yard to make it easy for your pet to drink whenever they need.

When you’re out and about, remember to carry a portable water bottle and bowl so your pet can have a drink on the go. This simple practice can help prevent dehydration and keep your pet comfortable and healthy during the heat.

2. Provide Shade and Cool Spaces

Pets can quickly overheat in the sun, so it’s important to provide them with access to shaded areas when they’re outside. Ensure that they have plenty of shade from trees, awnings, or umbrellas to escape the direct sunlight.

Indoors, keep a fan or air conditioner running to maintain a comfortable temperature, creating a cool refuge for your pet.

Additionally, cooling mats and elevated beds can help your pet stay cool by improving air circulation and providing a cool surface to rest on. These measures can significantly help in preventing overheating and ensuring your pet remains comfortable during the hot summer months.

3. Avoid Midday Heat

The sun is at its strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM. During these hours, try to keep your pet indoors or in shaded areas. 

Plan walks and outdoor activities for the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.

4. Never Leave Pets in a Hot Car

The biggest NO NO! Leaving a pet in a parked vehicle, even for a few minutes, can be extremely dangerous.

Temperatures inside a car can rise rapidly, leading to heatstroke or even death. If you must travel with your pet, ensure they have proper ventilation and never leave them unattended.

5. Protect Their Paws

Hot pavement can burn your pet’s paws. Before heading out for a walk, test the pavement with your hand.

If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet. Walking on grass or dirt paths can be a cooler alternative. You can also consider protective booties for your pet’s paws.

6. Grooming and Coat Care

Avoid shaving your pet’s fur too short, as their coat protects them from the sun and helps regulate their body temperature.

Brush their fur regularly to remove excess hair and reduce shedding, which also improves air circulation around their skin. This not only keeps your pet cooler but also maintains the health of their coat, ensuring they stay comfortable and protected throughout the summer.

7. Watch for Signs of Overheating

Pets can overheat quickly, so it’s crucial to recognize the signs of heatstroke.

Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and collapse. If you notice any of these signs, immediately move your pet to a cool area and offer water. Contact your veterinarian right away for further advice.

8. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Your pet’s activity level and diet may change during the summer. Ensure they are eating a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. Avoid overfeeding, as excess weight can make it harder for pets to stay cool.

Adjust portion sizes and monitor their weight to maintain a healthy balance. Providing the right nutrition helps keep your pet energetic and comfortable, supporting their overall health during the warmer months.

9. Plan Pet-Friendly Activities

Summer is a great time to engage in fun activities with your pet.

Swimming, hiking, and playing in the park are excellent ways to enjoy the outdoors together. Always ensure your pet is comfortable and safe during these activities.

10. Consult Your Veterinarian

Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are essential. Discuss any summer-specific concerns you might have and ensure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and preventatives.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your pet stays healthy, happy, and comfortable throughout the summer months. Remember, our pets rely on us to protect and care for them, especially when the weather gets hot. Enjoy the summer together, safely and responsibly!