International Cat Day!

International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th every year and in honor of this Holiday, Petsies is giving all cat lovers 15% off all Petsies products. Use code CAT15 at checkout. The sale ends on August 10th, so hurry!


International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th every year and in honor of this Holiday, Petsies is giving all cat lovers 15% off all Petsies products. Use code CAT15 at checkout. The sale ends on August 10th, so hurry!

The Holiday was established by the International Fund for Animals Welfare twenty years ago, to honor and appreciate cats. Its mission is to “rescue and protect animals from around the world.”

Pet Healthcare

On International Cat Day, people spoil and pamper their beloved kitties. But honestly, is there any day you don’t want to pamper your fur baby when they are just lying there on the floor, purring at you and looking cute and cuddly.

Here are a few ways to celebrate this purrfect holiday.

Visit Your Local Cat Shelter

If you are in the market for a pet, what better way to celebrate than heading to your local shelters to adopt a new best buddy! There are tons of amazing cats looking for forever homes and you will be rewarded with a lifetime of love and gratitude from the experience.

healthy cat

Volunteer at a local shelter

Volunteering at your local animal shelter can be a great way to help cats that are in shelters if you’re not necessarily interested or able to take one home. Many animal shelters offer part-time volunteer hours where you can come in, help clean the animals’ cages, interact with them, feed them, and play with them.

Treat your cat and yourself

Surprise your cat with some catnip, a cat tunnel, a feather on a stick, or even a custom plush Petsie look-a-like. Honor the love and joy your pet gives you with the most special gift you can cherish forever. It’s also hilarious to watch your pet interact with their Petsies.

These are just a few ways to take part in the festivities. Don’t forget spending quality time (or not, for those oh-so-adorable grumpy kitties) is more than plenty and they will love you no matter what you choose to do.